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GroupFS Australia Digital Display

PHP Web Development

Digital Display Platform

We created a web-based multi-purpose digital display solution for deployment in the Australian Medical and Hospitality sectors. Built with PHP, Chromium and .Net for a portable, low-cost and highly customizable display solution.

We created a web-based multi-purpose digital display solution for deployment in the Australian Medical and Hospitality sectors. Built with PHP, Chromium and .Net for a portable, low-cost and highly customizable display solution.

The brief was to create a digital display application that would be deployed onto display screens across various medical and hospitality businesses. Because the application would be run on existing display screens it needed to be able to run on Windows based intel Compute Sticks, all while being remotely managed and having content edited from various locations.

Our solution was to create a web based digital display application that would run within a Chromium based windows .Net application. For managing the displays, we built an administration panel to give staff easy web-based management capabilities.

The web based application was built with PHP and display data was stored in a client-specific MySQL database. The display screens were made up of different customizable components including a side bar, content area, weather, RSS news and a ticker. There were also options for using the ticker in case of emergency announcements.

A later addition to the scope was to offer a second portrait display mode for building directory signage. This allowed larger venues to list floors and various departments with directional information.

The administration panel allows in depth customization of displays, with color schemes, multiple layout options and custom sets of data for use as display content. Each display can rotate between multiple screens. Staff can switch between management of different displays and locations.


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